Photographic Society of America

PSA is a worldwide organization for anyone with an interest in photography. Founded in 1934, the Society is for casual shutterbugs, serious amateurs, and professional photographers.

PSA has members in over 80 countries. Individual and photo organization memberships offer a wide variety of services and activities: a full color monthly magazine; online photo galleries; image evaluation; study groups; courses; competitions; an annual conference; opportunities for recognition of photographic achievement and service; and discounts on photography-related products and services.


Dick joined PSA in 1971

Received Associate Honor in 1982

Received Fellowship Honor in 1989

Started Photo USA, a photographic trade show
held  with  the PSA International Conventions

Created Print Display System for PSA Conventions

Conventions Vice President 1985 - 1997

Started Electronic Imaging Division  and served
as Chairman from  1997 - 2000

Received Elmore Chatham Award - 1999

Restarted Chicago Chapter-  2001

Conventions Chairman 1999-2001

Chairman  Chicago Chapter - 2002

PSA Executive Vice President 2002 - 2003

PSA President from 2003 - 2007

Created Presidents Award in 2005

PSA Webmaster  2007 - 2009

Received Honorary Membership in 2007

Chairman of Honors Committee in 2007

Public Relations Vice President 2007 - 2009

PSA Journal Distinctive Image Article - 2009

Created Ashbrook Memorial Award in 2011

Chairman of Progress Medal Committee in 2014

Organized 3 PSA Adventure Cruises
(Alaska, Mexico & Canada)

Attended every PSA Convention since 1971 (43)

Received several Bronze, Silver & Gold Star
Editorial Awards

Received several Service Certificates & Medals

Has had photos on 5 PSA Journal Covers
including many articles

Received Scales Award for long time service 2015

Received "President Emeritus" Honor in 2015


Judy joined PSA in 2002

Int'l Conference Committee - 1984 - 1997

Conference Registrar - 2005 - 2007

Conference Tour Co-ordinator - 2008 - 2011

Editor of Journal Chapter Column - 2011 - Present

Chicago Chapter Membership Chair - 2002

Chicago Chapter Newsletter Editor - 2003 - 2010

Registrar Lepp Seminar - 2010

Received PSA Service Award -1993

Received Service Medal - 2007

Received 2nd Place Award in Newsletter Contest for Editor of "Windy City News"

Received 4 Membership Stars for 94
new member referrals

Currently on Society Recognition Awards Committee

Received Associate Honor in 2014


















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